3D Waterfall

3D Waterfall

A little bit more


The graphics technology used in version 3 is DirectX, specifically Direct2D instead of the much older GDI/GDI+ used in version 2. The 3D waterfall is programmed with Direct3D 12 which is the most efficient 3D API available.

An important goal of this project is to learn new programming techniques; the 3D Waterfall is the first feature using the DirectX 3D library and will probably not be the last.


System Requirements

To display the 3D waterfall:

  • 64-bit Windows 10
  • DirectX 12


To start the 3D waterfall press 3D in the ribbon bar, View, Spectrum pane. The 3D Waterfall is a docking pane, it can be positioned anywhere or moved to a second monitor. The center frequency tracks the current receiver.


Press 'O' to start,

  •   Rotate with the left mouse button,
  •   Zoom with either the mouse wheel or right mouse button.
  •   Click ↑↓ to change the speed, slower speed => higher resolution


In the video below a pair of Welsh amateurs are chatting on 80m. The  3D waterfall shows more signal detail than the standard waterfall.

In the video below the NQY and CUL navigation beacons are shown.

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