
go2MONITOR is an advanced concept for high-performance job-based, automatic HF-VHF-UHF monitoring including recording, SDR control, wideband and narrowband classification and multichannel signal decoding – all in one clever tool! [Link]

go2MONITOR is a commercial product, only available from Procitec, It is not suitable for the hobby / SWL market.
To display the go2MONITOR panel select More Options from the View pane in the ribbon bar, then restart SDR Console.
Data Recording
Add a special meta chunk to data recordings so they can be played by go2MONITOR. This chunk is added at the end of the recording (WAV) file, it does not affect the SDR Console playback. Note: go2MONITOR does not support WAV RF64 files.

Data Streaming
Stream all IQ data as read from the SDR radio. At present only one simultaneous connection is supported.
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